Wednesday, May 25, 2011

100 days =)

Challenge: 100 days of Positivity

A hassle is a hassle. It is inevitable period(.) Whether it’s the impossibly sticky 35˚C weather, the grueling traffic along Marcos, the masungit counter ladies who constantly misspell your

2-letter name or the ever increasing waist line, A.Hassle.Is.A.Hassle - no matter the form or weight.

Of course it's not limited to just that. Hassles abound everywhere, and its favorite place is my office- I catch myself singing the Glee's “Don’t Stop Believing every time that sungit face appears before me (sama!). Admittedly, my officemate is NOT the problem nor her contagious kill-yourself-with-boredom aura.

It is the actual existence of this so -called hassle that is so unsettling.

What to do? What should be the answer to: inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem,trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, fuss; informal aggravation, stress, headache, pain

I say:

Be Positive! B-E Positive!

Easy? NO! hence the challenge.

I will take to my Facebook page my attempt to display an oh-so sunny disposition for 100 days by posting positive, short of inspiring, messages to the universe. And, if any of my friends is up for the challenge, they too will not only be rewarded with an over-all improvement of well-being but will also win Ligh…well you know what I promote! No need to do the 100 days of course. 1 bottle prize just for trying!

So here goes…

day #1 May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

just so it's out there

There's no greater feeling than hearing these words say to you. These words will always always make you feel like you're in a bubble full of kisses tickling you in every adoring way possible. Nothing beats it and nothing will.

Whether you hear it from your mommy, sister, best friend, "friend" or partner, you won't get enough of it. It's good in the morning, after breakfast or after putting on make up but it's best after a long day, on a Thursday and before going to sleep. It is the best way to start and end the day.

So if you truly truly feel this way...say it! announce it to the world, whisper it slowly, write it down, take a picture and send through SMS or even skype it. As long as it's out there...

And for my family, friends and all other categories just so you know...let me hear it Mr. Marley.