Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
100 days =)
Challenge: 100 days of Positivity
A hassle is a hassle. It is inevitable period(.) Whether it’s the impossibly sticky 35˚C weather, the grueling traffic along Marcos, the masungit counter ladies who constantly misspell your
2-letter name or the ever increasing waist line, A.Hassle.Is.A.Hassle - no matter the form or weight.
Of course it's not limited to just that. Hassles abound everywhere, and its favorite place is my office- I catch myself singing the Glee's “Don’t Stop Believing” every time that sungit face appears before me (sama!). Admittedly, my officemate is NOT the problem nor her contagious kill-yourself-with-boredom aura.
It is the actual existence of this so -called hassle that is so unsettling.
What to do? What should be the answer to: inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem,trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, fuss; informal aggravation, stress, headache, pain
I say:
Be Positive! B-E Positive!
Easy? NO! hence the challenge.
I will take to my Facebook page my attempt to display an oh-so sunny disposition for 100 days by posting positive, short of inspiring, messages to the universe. And, if any of my friends is up for the challenge, they too will not only be rewarded with an over-all improvement of well-being but will also win Ligh…well you know what I promote! No need to do the 100 days of course. 1 bottle prize just for trying!
So here goes…
day #1 May 26, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
just so it's out there
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
stop worrying, stop planning, stop thinking, just stop everything and breathe...
with all the shit in the world there will be enough to go around so you can just stop and delay your stress because i'm sure its what you'll be doing for the rest of your life. yes it sounds depressing and a bit too cynical but if you think about it, it's not all bad yes the world is badly made, yes you can't fix it and yes you have to live with it. but without the stressful and irritating, half the fun is gone! Yes...the fun. Yes I'm crazy but hear me out.
how can you experience the lovely side of things without the bitter? how can you really appreciate summer if you haven't experience flood in katipunan while being stuck in Seattle's for 4 hours? how can you say that you love your boyfriend if you haven't seen him almost dead drunk while still insisting to take a "cheesy" picture? how can you promise your best friend a lifetime friendship if you haven't cried with her at 4:30 in the morning while trying to stop yourself from falling asleep? when will you know you have a serious relationship if you haven't had a summer fling? how can you say to your sisters that you love them if you haven't suffered for 2 weeks because you're giving them the silent treatment? well no you can' least it is hard to say, right?
so, take my advice and just breathe...because you'll be going through a lot more hassles, heartaches and tremendous amount of stress - without it you can't say you have really experienced...anything for that matter.
relax... watch a movie=)
19 June 2005